Objection from Cllr Steph POWELL to Planning Application BH2022/01490: Enterprise Point site redevelopment

I wish to place on record my strong objection to the current planning application to develop the Enterprise point site for co-living.

Along with my ward colleagues, we have met with local residents from Shanklin Rd and with various property guardians of Enterprise Point, who are mostly self-employed, creative types, who are renting the space at a lower than-market (affordable) rate. I have also listened to resident concerns of nearby Viaduct Lofts. This proposed type of property arrangement is aimed at young, very wealthy professionals, rather than local residents who need affordable homes. As such this co-living will contribute to a transient local population, thereby eroding the local community feeling.

On our visit, my ward colleagues and I also visited Audio Active; a music project based within the building, which provides young people from all backgrounds, but especially disadvantaged or challenging backgrounds, the opportunity to put their energy into creating music. Supporting this development as it stands would mean evictions for the property guardians, as well as Audio Active who will quickly need to secure alternative premises.

Without question, the site needs redevelopment. We can all agree that. However, the design and the type of living arrangement which is being proposed here is totally out-of-keeping with the area. The density of the development is of great concern to me. The current building is 5 stories high. In this small plot the towering, proposed build of 8 stories will undoubtedly impact light for many nearby properties on Melbourne Street, as well as a number of houses on Shanklin Road. I also have huge concerns for the safety and impact on the children of St Martin's C of E nursery and primary school, whose main entrance and play area is nestled right next to the proposed build.

The proposed height is inappropriate for the area. I'm certain that a number of properties will be overlooked, and residents are very concerned about a loss of privacy. There is also a notably marked increase in the number of units from the original plans, and this will put a huge pressure on local amenities, will increase noise, traffic and pollution.

These concerns are heartfelt by myself a number of residents. I would welcome the opportunity to address the Planning Committee in person when the application is being considered.

Thanks and best wishes,
Cllr Steph Powell Green Party Councillor
Hanover & Elm Grove